Our Guarantee

Data security is a primary consideration for Your Las Vegas Guide because we accept credit and debit cards for the payments of services. To promote the security of the credit and debit card payment systems, the major card brands established the Payment Card Industry Council (PCI) to oversee its data Security Standards (DSS). Your Las Vegas Guide is obligated to ensure that cardholder data is protected from a security breach. To protect cardholder’s data and mitigate financial exposure, it is imperative for Your Las Vegas Guide to comply with PCI-DSS. (See links for more information at www.elavon.com).

Your Las Vegas Guide uses the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure your personal information or data is protected when you purchase online through VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER.

You have the option to pay with PayPal or Google Checkout, and in order to do so, you will need to open an account with these providers.

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